

Downloads - Journal Insights

Downloads. The number of full-text articles downloaded from ScienceDirect for this journal in the last five full calendar years is displayed by country/region.

Mendeley Stats

2016年7月12日 — In 2015, Elsevier introduced My Research Dashboard, where the Article Usage Reports and CiteAlert services were combined into one platform.


2013年9月24日 — Article Usage Reports lets authors track downloads, views, social shares #altmetrics http://ow.ly/pabEq.

Article Usage Reports enable track downloads and views

2013年9月24日 — Personalized dashboards provide metrics to gauge an article's impact.

Manage your Elsevier solutions

Get information on usage reports and access the Elsevier AdminTool, COUNTER reports, the SUSHI data exchange protocol and E-PIC(opens in new tab/window) , which ...

Track your impact

Measure article, author and journal influences using CiteScore metrics, h-index, article-level metrics, SNIP, SJR, impact factor and more.

My Research Dashboard

2015年3月11日 — A personalized dashboard offering a single location where authors can view usage and citations of each publication.

Librarians usage reports

Elsevier supplies customers with usage reports for most of their products. Several of Elsevier's products supply customers with COUNTER-compliant usage reports.

(PDF) Elsevier article usage report February 2015

2015年2月14日 — In this article, the background, key principles, ideas in practice, unresolved questions and future directions, and resources of comanagement ...

Guide for authors - F&S Reports - ISSN 2666

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